The 43 films are not presented individually, but in thematic blocks.
On this page, you will find more information about each of the eleven blocks as well as two individual films. When logged in, you can go directly to the videos via the links below the movie block descriptions or via the “Watch Films” menu option. The links on the film titles take you to the respective film description. All films are shown in their original language with English subtitles.

Art and transformation
Art can change lives! The documentary by a group of Argentine students about people in psychiatric treatment illustrates this impressively. In the short film, creativity is also intertwined in a curious way with personal transformation.
Duration: 1h 50min.
- Crisis | Fiction, Animation| 10:10′ | Uruguay | 2019 | Christian Orta
- Los Fuegos Internos | Docu, Experimental | 01:10:42′ | Argentina | 2018 | Ana Santilli Lago, Malena Battista, Laura Lugano, Ayelen Martinez
Bond and loss
Losing a loved one is painful. How can life go on after such a turning point? The four films focus on family relationships and dealing with grief.
Durantion: 1h 11min.
- Baile (Summer Ball) | Fiction | 18:16′ | Brazil | 2019 | Cíntia Domit Bittar
- Isla Sirena | Fiction | 15:08′ | Venezuela | 2019 | Leonel González
- Aún Me Acuerdo De Ti | Fiction | 24:36′ | Panama | 2020 | Jeho Do Carmo
- Amalgama | Fiction | 12:53′ | Colombia | 2019 | Alejandra Wills

Childhood and migration
How does a child experience their own migration or their excitement before their first sports competition? This documentary block focuses on the worlds and perspectives of two children.
Duration: 1h 13min.
- Ramón | Docu | 07:10′ | Colombia | 2020 | Natalia Bernal
- Para No Volver | Docu | 01:05:54′ | Mexico | 2019 | Janette A. López
Documentations of resistance
Six short documentaries from six different countries address excluding power structures – from the discrimination of an indigenous photography student to the in part precarious housing situation in the Cuban capital to the multiple marginalization mechanisms that black women* are exposed to in Brazil.
Duration: 1h 40min.
- La Chichigua | Docu | 01:50′ | Dom. Rep. | 2020 | Laura Sanz, Dominique Chemille
- Impulso Nativo | Docu | 02:37′ | Paraguay | 2020 | Diego Gómez
- Una Cárcel Que Se Abrió | Docu | 23:00′ | Chile | 2017 | Cristian Vidal L.
- Mamapara (Mother Rain) | Docu | 17:31′ | Peru | 2020 | Alberto Flores Vilca
- Habana Nuestra De Cada Día | Docu | 29:46′ | Cuba | 2017 | Andros Barroso
- Minha História é Outra | Docu | 22:17′ | Brazil | 2019 | Mariana Campos

Fantastic stories
From scary to weird, there is something for everyone. Four short films take us into the world of the fantastic.
Duration: 1h 10min.
- Terceiro Andar | Fiction | 09:23′ | Brasilien | 2019 | Deuilton B. Júnior
- Caranguejo Rei | Fiction | 23:15′ | Brasilien | 2019 | Enock Carvalho, Matheus Farias
- Amores Sobrios | Fiction | 19:50′ | Uruguay | 2019 | Guillermo Trochon
- Schwaneck | Fiction | 17:00′ | Argentinien | Giménez Zapiola
Identity and self-determination
Breaking out of social norms and overcoming opposition takes strength. Four short documentaries portray people who nevertheless dare to find new paths and are thus a role model for others.
Duration: 1h 40min.
- Identificación Perdida | Docu | 12:28′ | Mexico | 2020 | Axel González
- Warmiwañusqa (Dead Woman’s Pass) | Docu | 25:07′ | Peru | 2019 | Lali Houghton
- Única | Docu | 15:55′ | El Salvador | 2019 | Hugo Mata Parducci
- As Rendas De Dinho | Docu | 25:00′ | Brazil | 2019 | Adriane Canan

Individual films
Two long documentaries that speak thematically for themselves.
- Islam de Cuba | Docu | 56:21′ |Italy, Cuba | 2020 | Marzia Rumi
- Off The Road* | Docu | 01:16:16′ | Mexico, USA | 2020 | José Permar
*no longer available
Labor and consumption
Who determines how we shape our everyday life? Four films of different genres question how we work, produce and consume. An encouragement for collective change and a rejection of monotonous work and current garbage.
Duration: 50min.
- Inmerso | Animation | 05:32′ | Peru | 2018 | Yumi Shimabukuro, Carla Gonzalez
- Filadelphia | Docu | 07:00′ | Brazil | 2018 | Dani Drumond
- Umzug | Experimentell | 09:53′ | Germany | 2018 | Francisco MeCe
- Mujeres En Un Mundo De Hombres | Docu | 25:37′ | Argentina | 2018 | Gastón Guerini

Lust and desire
Whether animated, documentary or fictional – this block focuses on the individual and shared joy of women* in their own bodies.
Duration: 49min.
- Anhelo | Animation | 02:59′ | Mexico | 2019 | Julia Granillo Tostado
- Elena | Fiction | 20:00′ | Costa Rica | 2017 | Ayerim Villanueva
- Magic Milk | Animation | 01:13′ | Chile | 2020 | Teresa Romo
- Esguicho | Docu | 24:06′ | Brazil | 2019 | Carla Miguelote
My Body, My Choice!
The right to sexual and reproductive self-determination for women* is still not a matter of course – abortions are illegal in many places and a thorn in the side of religious and right-wing conservative movements especially. A short animation and a full-length documentary show the devastating consequences of restrictive and criminalizing legislations. And show women* who fight for their decisions and for the rights over their bodies.
Duration: 1h 17min.
- Somos Resistencia | Animation | 02:00′ | Argentina | 2019 | Irupé Muñoz, Luna Gherscovici
- En Deuda Con Todas | Docu | 01:17:00′ | Spain, El Salvador | 2019 | María Lobo, Roi Guitián

State and violence
Whether in the past or the present – state violence accompanies people in many places and shapes protests for social change in particular. Four films show excerpts from repressive moments in Chile and Brazil.
Duration: 1h10min.
- Finitud y cupabilidad | Experimental | 03:25′ | Spain| 2019 | Úrsula San Cristóbal
- Torre | Docu, Experimental | 18:31′ | Brazil | 2017 | Nádia Mangolini
- Câmera, Tá OK? | Docu | 14:34′ | Brazil | 2019 | Nathalia Oliveira
- Intervenção Jah | Experimental, Dance | 15:00′ | Brazil | 2019 | Welket Bungué, Daniel Santos
SUR-REAL: experimental shorts
Poetic, magical, disturbing. This compilation of experimental film projects goes far beyond reality.
Duration: 26min.
- Transmuta | Animation | 02:01′ | Argentina | 2020 | María Belén Tagliabue, Miriana Bazán
- Medo | Animation | 02:55′ | Brazil | 2019 | Luísa Bacelar
- Capilla Del Diablo | Experimental | 08:11′ | Argentina | 2020 | Nicolás de Bórtoli
- Veo Veo | Animation | 05:29′ | Argentina | 2019 | Jacqueline Baffico, Luciana Digiglio, Malena Laiño, Gabriela Fernández, Agostina Ravazzola, Ann Lopez Angulo, Malena Martínez, Ileana Andrea Gomez Gavinoser, Lola Barreto, Cez Comerci, Maricel Ignatti, Marina Lisasuain, Laura Norma Martínez, Alicia Rosenthal, Paula Herrera Vivas, Patricia Menghi, Belén Tagliabue, Ana Martín, Irene Blei, Gabriela Clar, Isabel Macías, Elena Aracena, Milena Lois, Raquel De Simone, Paola Bellato, Isabel Estruch, Sofía Ugarte, Gala Mose
- Kii Nche Ndutsa (Time and the Seashell) | Fiction, Experimental| 10:00′ | Mexico | 2020 | Itandehui Jansen