MIRA offers a glimpse of the current LatinAmerican cinema. With a selection of fiction films, documentaries as well as experimental works we are providing a large audience with cinema pleasure beyond the beaten track. The focus on independent film includes for us not only the creation of a platform for not yet known artists and their work but furthermore the opportunity for those artists to speak for themselves.
We are a young film festival in Bonn, Germany and take the liberty to try different things, search for new ways to present cinema and connect those with already existing presentation forms. Our claim is to encourage the direct and active exchange (of ideas and everything else) between film-makers and the audience and to creat space for discussion. The positive feedback from our last festivals shows, that Latin American films, along with their diverse, current and sometimes controversial topics, also generate plenty of interest in Germany. Keeping all this in mind, we try to maintain the informal atmosphere of the first film festival.
MIRA is organized by OXIS e.V., an initiative which critically tackles current latin american topics and debates. We particularly care about topics that are not getting a lot of public attention. Therefore we try to offer possibilities to not yet well known artists and their works and to get them in concat with the local audience.